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Seven Signs You Should Invest In LED Lighting

Invest In LED Lighting

Invest In LED Lighting. Are you a business owner thinking about installing LED lighting? Starbeam Lighting Solutions in St. Louis offers seven signs your company should make the investment.

#1: Too Many Calls To Your Electrician

If you find that your business is spending thousands of dollars annually on maintenance for your lighting system, you’re not alone. Lots of businesses in the St. Louis metro area receive several visits a year from an electrician, needing lamps replaced and ballasts repaired. This is the unfortunate byproduct of using a traditional approach to business lighting. However, an LED setup has no such pitfalls. An LED system doesn’t depend on unreliable ballasts, and LED bulbs last up to 10x longer than traditional bulbs. Invest in LED lighting and your maintenance bill will plummet.

#2: Safety Is a Priority

Poor lighting is an oft-overlooked cause of workplace accidents. With an outdated lighting system that integrates yellow, dim bulbs, there’s a higher likelihood that visitors and employees will struggle to navigate your offices. This of course leads to a higher chance of mishaps, especially in areas where bulbs have burned out and not been replaced promptly. On the other hand, pursuing an LED retrofit ensures lighting that is brighter, crisper, and safer.

#3: You’re Ready For a Long-Term Lighting Solution

Every business wants to grow and improve, but this can be tough when the focus is constantly shifting towards maintenance issues. The good news is, when you introduce LED retrofit lighting into your company, you’re basically saying that you don’t want to replace a light bulb for the next decade. That’s how much more efficient and durable LED lighting is than traditional lighting.

#4: Clean Energy Is a Company Priority

Companies across a variety of are looking for ways to work cleaner and greener. One great way to do this is by installing an LED lighting system. LED lights are 90% efficient, which means that 90% of the electricity used is converted into light. On the flipside, outdated incandescent bulbs use more electricity for heat than they do for actual light (this is why incandescents get so hot). If you want your business to be a model of clean energy, LED lighting is the way to go.

#5: Your Current Lighting Is Glum and Uninspiring

Lighting plays a big role in terms employee mood and energy. An outdated incandescent system can sap people’s energy, and in some cases make them feel sleepy from the get-go. But LED lighting is the opposite: it’s proven to increase mood and stimulate productivity.

#6: You Want To Decrease Overhead

Decreasing overhead is a perpetual battle for most companies. If you count yours in this number, consider switching to an LED lighting system. For reasons mentioned above (longer-lasting, more efficient, productivity-boosting), LED lighting is a surefire overhead-buster.

#7: You’ve Had It With High Electrical Bills

We’ve saved the most common sign for last. Lots of businesses with lighting systems near St. Louis wish they could spend less on electricity and more on growth and innovation. Guess what – LED lighting can help you do just that. With an LED system in place, you should expect to save 30% or more on your monthly electric bill.

Make the Switch Today

If you’re ready to make the change to LED, contact our well-established lighting company serving the St. Louis Metro Area. We have the experience and the tools to help your business benefit from LED lighting on a number of fronts, from saving money to increasing safety and productivity.